Racheal's write

Stories: 2

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SYNOPSIS "Marianne, it's finally time for you to pay me back what you owe me." the cold man sitting on the sofa said to me. "Please Sir, a little more time is what I ask for, I'll get your money back as soon as possible." I pleaded tearfully. "You don't need to pay money." he smiled and looked at the man standing beside him. The man moved closer and placed a neatly fold brown envelope on my palm. "We have filled in for you, today you'll be going to sign in as Xander's next mistress in Xander's mansion and what you'll have to do there is just simple." the evil man started. I listened attentively even though I was almost shitting on myself. "Do everything you can to make sure Mr Xander Knox falls for you, then break his heart" My heart stopped squeezed immediately he said the word. How was I supposed to make a cold man like Xander Knox fall for me?
Alpha Henry fell in love with Anna, a vampire. He was warned to withdraw from her, and be around her mate. He ordered Debris to come to his chamber, and as time goes on, they both fell in love. Anna, heard about this and informed their Ventrue. Anna attempted to kill Debris but she was stopped by the Ventrue of Vampire, because they were in peace with the serpentine and the king of serpentine, Python. The coven then summoned the courage to go to fight against the werewolves for using Anna and dumping her. Anna stopped them because she knows what is dangerous to the werewolves. Anna found her way again to the Alpha Henry Chamber, and attempted to kill him, just then the serpentine, Henry appears
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